среда, 24 октября 2007 г.

Murdoch, a Green

On Friday the 11th eine Videoansprache gehalten, die an alle 50'000 Mitarbeiter des Medien-Imperiums gesendet wurde. May, Rupert Murdoch held a video speech, which to all 50,000 employees of the media empire was sent. jetzt die Klimawandel-Botschaft über alle ihre Kanäle wie Zeitungen, Radio und TV verbreiten muss, um die Menschen zu einer Verhaltensänderung zu motivieren und „grün“ zu denken. That he has a new company policy announced that the News Corporation now, the climate-change message on all of its channels such as newspapers, radio and TV have spread to the people to a change in behavior to motivate and "green" thinking. “. He said "The challenge is the climate-change message to revolutionize." He stressed the need to "make it dramatic, make it alive and sometimes even funny. We want to inspire people to change their behavior. "

Imperium beinhaltet Fox TV, 20 th Century Fox Filmstudio, HarperCollins Buchverlag, MySpace . com und dutzende Tageszeitungen in Australien, Gross Britannien , in den USA und sonst wo. Murdoch sagte „Unsere Kunden die Grosskonzerne mit ihren grossen Anzeigenvolumen haben uns gesagt, wir sollen einen Weg finden das Publikum zu diesem Thema zu erreichen“. The Murdoch empire includes Fox TV, 20 th Century Fox movie studio, book publisher Harper Collins, MySpace. Com and dozens of daily newspapers in Australia, Britain Gross, in the United States and elsewhere. Murdoch said "Our customers the large corporations with their big ad volume have told us we should find a way the public on this issue to achieve. " -Benutzern zu vertiefen.“ He even argued that the new climate strategy for the group's own energy costs would reduce, it would help to recruit top-talent and provide "a chance of the relationship with our viewers, readers and Web users to deepen."

, der „Dr. Göbbels “ der heutigen kriminellen Elite, mit seinem Medien-Imperium aus gleichgeschalteten Zeitungen, Radio, Fernsehstationen und Filmstudios sich zu einem „Umweltschützer“ wandelt, dann können nur alle Alarmsirenen bei mir losgehen. If Rupert Murdoch, "Dr. Göbbels" of today's criminal elite, and his media empire from the newspapers, radio, television and film studios to a "environmentalists" converts, only then can all alarm sirens go with me. führt er einen Krieg gegen den Journalismus , mit Nötigung, Verleumdung, Dreckschleudern, Angstmacherei und einseitiger Propaganda. This man is the worst journalism in this world, yes, he really a war against journalism, coercion, slander, dirt catapults, scare tactics and one-sided propaganda. und Architekten der Neuen Weltordnung und der Kriegshetzer. He massively supported the globalists and architects of the New World Order and the warmongers. He has also admitted that he lies of the Bush administration has disseminated to the Iraq war. ich mit Bestimmtheit, dass die Klimaerwärmung anders ist als uns erzählt wird und dass die Elite mit seiner Propaganda die Klimalüge uns verkaufen will. If this person is suddenly "green", the CO2 in his group wants to reduce global warming unstoppable and reinforced this message will spread, then I know with certainty that global warming is different than telling us, and that the elite with his propaganda climate lie us wants to sell. macht er es ja nicht wirklich von sich aus, sondern auf Befehl der Grosskonzerne . Once a liar, always a liar. And yes, he is not really on their own, but on orders of large corporations.

Why are calculated global corporations convince us that the CO2 is so bad, but just that they produce most CO2? ich ganz sicher, CO2 ist kein Klimakiller. Now, I certainly do, CO2 is not a climate killer. My article about it here and here. und die Grosskonzerne uns das jetzt glauben lassen wollen, dann kann es If Murdoch and the large corporations we now want to believe, then it Impossible to be true and it is something different. , um die Einschränkung unserer Freiheiten, um die Einführung einer CO2 Steuer und am Schluss um eine massive Bevölkerungsreduktion bis unter 2 Milliarde Menschen auf diesen Planeten. It's about what I said in my article described here have to scare tactics to restrict our freedoms, to the introduction of a CO2 tax, and at the end of a massive population reduction to less than 2 billion people on this planet. Murdoch has the "war on terror" and the Afghan and Iraq wars with lies sold, now comes the CO2 climate lie next. nur träumen konnte, um es zu tun. This charlatan, the propaganda power of the Göbbels could only dream of, in order to do so. TV Sender, 100 Kabel TV Kanäle, 175 Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, 40 Buchverlage, 40 TV Sender und 1 Filmstudio. Let the media at his disposal: 9 satellite TV stations, 100 cable TV channels, 175 newspapers and journals, 40 book publishers, 40 TV stations and a movie studio. With these media he reached 4.7 billion people, which is 3 / 4 of the world's population. That is a huge and very dangerous media power that previously never gave. No wonder that, the group was tasked dictators, new to switch to green and the climate lie to spread.

See all articles on climate here.

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