среда, 24 октября 2007 г.

Life is short, let you retire!

In the United States, it is allowed lawyers, in contrast to Europe, advertising for their services. haben, wie aggressive die Anwälte auf Kundenfang gehen. Anyone who has been there, this advertising was seen and wondered about how aggressive the lawyers to go fishing customers. It is known that all the hordes of lawyers prior to the emergency department of hospitals, and there are like hyenas on customers waiting for their clients to the insurance business. So there are slogans like "If they had an accident, then they do not call an ambulance, call us at first ... we get them out of millions!" .

How perverted lawyer's advertising has become one looks at the latest poster of a law firm in Chicago. Superfrau und einem Mann mit tollen Body und Sixpack . They advertise with the slogan "Life is short, let you retire!" , But they show pictures of a Super grossbusigen woman and a man with a great body and Sixpack.

Corri Fetman and Kelly Garland offenbar zu weit gegangen und sie haben dutzende von Beschwerden bekommen über die Geschmacklosigkeit dieser Werbung. But now the lawyers are Minyas Fetman and Kelly Garland apparently gone too far and they have dozens of complaints received about the cheesiness of this advertising. and Garland sagten, sie sind verärgert über diese Entfernung des Plakats, welches in einem reichen Quartier von Chicago aufgehängt wurde. The city then created the poster unrig, not because of the controversial message, but because they have no authorization to construct. Fetman and Garland said they are angry about the removal of the poster, which is in a rich neighborhood of Chicago was suspended. haben nämlich ihren potentiellen Markt gut ausgesucht, im so genannten „ Viagra -Dreieck“, wo viele junge Frauen nach älteren reichen Männern Ausschau halten und umgekehrt. The lawyers have their potential market is well chosen, in the so-called "Viagra triangle", where many young women after rich older men to watch out, and vice versa.

Fetman sagte: "Es war eine tolle Werbung für uns und die Kontroverse hat die Menschen zum Denken angeregt. Jedenfalls sind die Anrufe für einen Termin in unserer Kanzlei stark gestiegen, also hat sie den Zweck erfüllt“. Who complains have made statements such as: "We come from families where one instead of a quick solution to the problems expressed," or "Marriage is hard enough without such a poster here depends." Fetman lawyer said: "It was a great advertisement for us and the controversy has stimulated people to think. Anyway, the calls for an appointment at our office has risen, so has the purpose. "

That two women to make an advertisement is also interesting. Ducanto der American Academy of Matrimonial Attorneys (Vereinigung der Eheanwälte) sagt dazu: “Als Anwältin anzudeuten, man sollte seinen Lebenspartner wechseln, so wie man ein Kleidungsstück wechselt, ist nicht akzeptabel. Attorney Joe Ducanto colleague of the American Academy of Matrimonial Attorneys (Association of Eheanwälte) says: "As a lawyer to indicate that we should his party switch, as a piece of clothing changes, is not acceptable. It reflects poorly on women in general and also on lawyers. Kimborugh sagt: “Die Botschaft dieser Frau ist, Hey wenn Du so eine Sexpuppe willst oder so einen Adonis, dann komm zu uns, wir machen es möglich!“. Fetman ’s Antwort auf diese Vorwürfe: “Wenn man in einer unglücklichen Partnerschaft ist und man da raus will, dann haben wir eine Lösung dafür”. It is simply distasteful. "Or colleague Geraldine Kimborugh says," The message this woman is, Hey if you want a Sexdoll an Adonis or so, then come to us, we make it possible! . " Fetman 's response to these allegations "If you are in a partnership is unfortunate and it will get out there, then we have a solution for this."

und witzig finden, aber für mich zeigen diese Auswüchse, wie pervertiert unsere Gesellschaft geworden ist. They can be klever advertising and funny, but for me, these excesses, how perverted our society has become. und uns in egoistische Individuen zu verwandeln, wo es keine Liebe für den anderen mehr gibt, sondern nur noch Materialismus und Sex der konsumiert wird, ist voll aufgegangen. The seed of the elite with its intention to destroy the families, men and women against each other and to us to transform selfish individuals, where there was no love for each other more, but only the materialism and sex consumed is fully materialized.

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