среда, 24 октября 2007 г.

How to prevent a terrorist, in 7 easy steps

First In order to prevent a terrorist, you first must find a terrorist. That is not so easy.
Second Of course, not everybody is a terrorist, and then prevent it. It needs a strong incentive. The best motivation has sentenced a man in prison, with the prospect of a very lengthy prison sentence. Under such circumstances, will you tell your lawyer, you can reduce your time when you as a spy in joining one case, preferably one with terrorists.
Third The fact that you do not know terrorists, you should not in any way prevent them from participating. Not is the mother of invention. If you are looking for the right raw material .... A poor, sick, lonely, drunken, chaotic and missmutigen failure somewhere, or the easiest one angry Muslims in front of a mosque, you can fabricate your own terrorists.
Fourth Now begins the good part ... MONEY! ! ! The authorities will make a lot of money, so you have your own food executing terrorists. They are you wired with microphones to record how you give him recommendations on potential targets and the weapons to be used for the plot, which is your Terrorist concoct is completely spontaneous. With your help. deinen eigenen Terroristen „ top geheime“ Luftaufnahmen der Angriffsziele zeigen, die du vorgeschlagen hast. You can even use the money to buy a PC with Google Earth and your own terrorists "top secret" air recordings of the targets show that you have proposed.
Fifth Even more MONEY! ! ! empfohlen haben zu kontaktieren. The authorities will make a lot more money, so you with your own terrorists can travel abroad to terrorist groups, which they have strongly recommended you to contact us.
Sixth Months and years will be to pass, while the authorities pay for everything.
Seventh At a certain point something will go wrong. You will have other problems to move people with your own terrorists together, which, as you would yourself, just a normal Hans Wurst with a bad temper. Or the terrorist group to which you have attached to you is incapable and too lazy to the attack to make that you have proposed them. At this point, are you concerned that the authorities are unaware that there is no terrorist. But do not worry, the authorities are already far ahead of you, they know exactly what's going on. verkünden, ein fürchterlicher Terrorangriff wurde durch ihre hervorragende Aufklärungsarbeit verhindert. Therefore before it is obvious to the world, there is no case, the authorities arrest and your terrorists at a press conference to announce large, a terrible terrorist attack was informed by their excellent work prevented. hinaus gegangen und es gibt keine Waffen, kein Geld und es war auch technisch gar nicht durchführbar, aber das wird natürlich nicht verhindern, dass diese Geschichte auf der ersten Seite mit grossen Schlagzeilen bei allen Massenmedien stehen wird und die Politiker werden sich daran aufgeilen und nach noch mehr Anti - Terrormassnahmen , Polizeistaatmethoden und für Präventivkriege schreien. They will, however, have to admit that the plot is not on the planning stage is also gone and there are no weapons, no money, and it was also technically not feasible, but that is obviously not avoid this story on the first page with big headlines in all mass media and the politicians will be excited and more anti-terrorism measures, police state methods for pre-emptive wars and scream. der arme Sündenbock den du zum Terroristen gemacht hast, aber wen interessiert sein Schicksal schon, welches ihn auf Guantanamo erwartet. All are happy, except the poor scapegoat you have made to the terrorists, but who is interested in its fate already, which it expects to Guantanamo.

Congratulations, you have successfully prevented a terrorist. That's how it's done!


Flughafen in New York. This "manual" is based on the latest hysterical promulgation of a thwarted attack against the JFK Airport in New York. islamistische Radikale deshalb verhaftet. It claimed the authorities last Saturday, they had prevented an attack of the "unspeakable damage, deaths and destruction" had caused and four presumed Islamist radicals therefore arrested. haben die Beschuldigten weder den Sprengstoff noch die finanziellen Mittel gehabt um den Angriff auszuführen. According to experts, but it would have been impossible to cause an explosion. Furthermore, the accused neither explosives nor the financial resources had to the attack. hat, handelt es sich um einen verurteilten Drogenhändler der auf seine Gefängnisstrafe wartet und deshalb mit der Polizei kooperierte. When the person in the group which was introduced and this verpfiffen, is a convicted drug dealer on his prison sentence waiting and so cooperated with the police. ) Die Schwester eines Beschuldigten hat ausgesagt, ihr Bruder wurde in dieses Komplott vom Spitzel und von den Behörden ahnungslos in eine Falle gelockt und reingelegt. (Yahoo), the sister of a defendant has stated that her brother was in this conspiracy, spies and the authorities unwittingly lured into a trap and browned. Medien wie FOX News diese Geschichte bombastisch mit reisserischen Boulevar verkündet um einen Erfolg im Krieg gegen den Terror zu vemelden. Of course, all kriegsgeilen media like FOX News bombastic this story with lurid Boulevar proclaimed a success in the war on terror to vemelden. It is this conspiracy invented by the authorities and it has been stupid for scapegoats.

ein explosives Gemisch brauen wollten, um Flugzeuge über den Atlantik zu sprengen. The same goes for the "liquid Bomber" of London, allegedly with liquids on board an explosive mixture brew wanted to aircraft over the Atlantic to blow. Trara aus diesem Komplott gemacht und einen erfolgreichen Schlag gegen den Terrorismus verkündet, obwohl die Beschuldigten weder einen Pass, noch Geld für ein Flugticket hatten und alle Sprengstoffexperten sagen, es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich mit den angegebenen Flüssigkeiten in einem Flugzeug eine Bombe herzustellen. The authorities have an ahh escaped from the conspiracy and made a successful strike against terrorism announced, although the accused is neither a passport nor money for a plane ticket and had all the explosives experts say it is very unlikely with the given liquids in a plane a bomb . Again, with spies from young Muslim men had too much imagination, quite evil Super terrorists. Most of the accused have been secretly quietly from the investigation have been released because there was no evidence against them. berichtet, über die Entlassung natürlich nichts. About the arrest in the media is always very large reported on the dismissal of course nothing. entlarvt wurde, müssen alle Passagiere auf allen Flughäfen der Welt ihre Getränke seit dem abgeben. Although this Behördenaktionismus was unmasked as a farce, all passengers at all airports in the world since its beverages. Yes mothers may not even with a bottle of baby food for their children to take. A total irrational chicane on a gigantic lie is based.

am Flughafen überhaupt mit, wenn sie völlig absurd und sinnlos sind? Question, why do we have all these security checks at the airport at all with them when they totally absurd and pointless? Why can we palpation, up, scanning and accept that our shoes, belt, pants and everything off? There will be a diminished the commonplace things and you never see it again, like nail clippers, nail files, combs, and much more. The justification we hear "It's for our own protection" is complete nonsense and a lie. We just need to be protected from one of this creeping police state itself, the increasingly restricting our freedoms, and with lies, fear and horror introducing fascism.

And here the story of the "mosque-spy" as a former Pack by the Swiss secret service has been hired to "evidence" against Islamic religious leaders to find. (View). Things to halt with the Nazis should not do when they are no longer needed, they should be treated as Scheisse and easy to drop, because then they avenge themselves and the whole Coming clean "dirty business" for the authorities have done.

Since there is no terrorist organization "Al-Qaeda" and no "terrorist leader" Bin Laden, and there are no "real" terrorist attacks, they must be artificially provoked, manufactures and insziniert. Hula tries with all means and with hordes of scheduled agents build a monster, so that the whole secret police and the military services have a livelihood for them huge budget to be approved and the security measures and carry out wars. Without this enemy of the artificially created, so there would be peace, love and harmony between peoples, something totally intolerable. All peace is the last thing the powerful, the corporations and politicians. Peace is not a good business!

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