Personally, I feel no party or ideology drawn. For me, political party programs and the teaching tool to manipulate and enslave people to be just as religions. These constructs are for me only been artificially created by the people to divide apart, against each other and in order to stir up hatred. My values consist of honesty, justice, humanity, responsibility, critical thinking, open-mindedness, equality, compassion and many teachings of Jesus Christ.
These two isms are so overloaded with cliches, it makes almost no sense to use it, especially the word communism. From small to us is an automatic reflex against "all socialist and communist" drummed into. Why is the elite so keen on us against this "disease" to vaccinate, where it is they themselves as a counter-model was invented? Because in completely rotten core of capitalism, which is most manifest in the USA, to exploitation, hyper-competitive ability, extreme individuality, the survival of the Fittesten, the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, profit goes beyond everything, Has stands on the people, greed and selfishness.

Capitalism is indeed the cancer of the human race on this earth has infected and we just suffer an advanced stage of the ulcer. The money rules the world, the financial system is all giant monopolies expand the assets konzentrier in fewer and fewer hands, more and more imperialist wars are led to the markets and to expand the mineral resources to obtain and insatiable, greed-driven, abstossende perversion raped and destroys the earth.
Our politicians, no matter where in the western world, even go and ask her even more liberalization, so they want all the reins back to capitalism, all the social achievements completely removed and the market economy a totally free rein, with the assertion of the world go there a better because of it. Of course, this Entfesslung massively from the background by the cynical elite, the powerful plutocrats and the profitgierigen Group dictators controlled, encouraged and welcomed. But we want back into a feudal world where there are no unions, no labor laws, no unemployment benefits and pension and other social protections more? Where we are again 12 hours a day six days a week, workers no longer have rights, can be dismissed immediately, dangerous working conditions, by miserable wages from hand to mouth living and the monopolistic business practices, the environment is totally destroyed?

How hypocritical, undemocratic, inhumane and criminal capitalism is seen in the massive support of all the dictators in Europe. The Überkapitalisten in the United States have dealings with the Nazi regime until 1942, until the "Trading with the Enemy Act," the law has prohibited it. Especially the grandfather of George W. Bush, Prescott Bush, Hitler has financed most of its power and take profits. It was his banker. Similarly, Mussolini and Franco helped the democratically elected governments and to overthrow fascist dictatorships to establish. But this policy of supporting dictatorships, since 2 WK until today. In all these years, the CIA over 70 state pranks, removal of democratically elected governments, to the assassination of President organized and executed. Any attempt by the country an "own way" was to go to be nipped in the bud. Cuba, Chile, Iran, Vietnam, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua are just a few of the examples of interventions by the United States.

Anyone who looks reasonably can remember but this aggressive, everything verschlingende, inhuman, avariciously, destructive and artificial life in which we move, only to more and more consumer based, is not to maintain, not sustainable and makes us not happy. We no longer remember how we are reduced to slaves, more than half of the years for the state to work for the taxes, then we work for the financial system for the interest and debt, and the rest of the time we work for the corporations to to buy the things we do not need to stick a life to lead us are not happy and we can not afford to be forced to become even more money so that our ego even more "satisfying", at the expense of everything third World and the entire planet.

Therefore, we must consider whether we have now where it is, one or two passages in his life and stick zurückschaltet this may change. Ensuring idea how dependent we make and how to reduce this dependency. This system compels us other countries and peoples to exploit them and to conquer auszuplündern. We must be in a third world war and kill people so that we are our selfish and perverted form of society in the fat of the land. That can it really is not. Peace will only be a reality if the greed for more and more stops. Will you continue to use slave, and the harsh and artificial support system, or a more humane and natural way of life take? Will you continue from the media, the advertising and propaganda can influence what we think, say, do and buy? The most important would ever be the first step in a change in attitude and a new-knowledge.

Therefore asks you, I will survive capitalism, in the intellectual, moral and physical sense?
"It's not important to the people of the third world to give more, but they have less to steal." Jean Ziegler
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