Regiert his words, for every action, every business, every movement tax, patented, noted, registered, recorded taxiert, stamped, measured, assessed, licensed, authorized, endorsed, admonishes, hindered reforms, designed to be punished .
It means, under the pretext of public utility and in the name of public interest exploited, managed geprellt, exploited, monopoly, betrayed, pressed misled, to be stolen; Finally, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint oppressed, punished heruntergemacht , insulted, persecuted, abused, beaten to the ground, disarmed, gagged, locked up, füsiliert, shelled, condemned, condemned, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed and top ridiculed, teased, insulted and to be dishonored.
This is the government, which is their justice, which is their morale. "
Pierre Joseph Proudhon in 1809 - 1854
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