That I do not understand.
There is a very rare event, in which a whole city destroyed by a hurricane, one of the most valuable and culturally unique cities in America and the world, and no one is interested. Perhaps it is because when the dams broke and the water penetrated into the city, the people forced to flee their homes and made uninhabitable, it also has the thin curtain torn away, the poverty, inequality, the neglected infrastructure and the inactivity of the government hidden. The fact is, this disaster has the gap between the people and the government made visible, before a loss of life and property to protect. The state has totally failed.
The dams are in the meantime, has been largely repaired, but the torn-up wound in the population. The brutal reality of 29 August 2005 tour of the residents of New Orleans every day anew ... But America will not. You have President Bush, Governor Blanco, Mayor Nagin and disaster chief Brown to blame, and then quickly devote to other things. It was for the politicians and the media, the other issues were important, such as the war in Iraq and the struggle to code presidency, which is enough material for endless debates returns in Washington.
If one believes Katarina when it is only the destruction of New Orleans and the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, then it is mistaken. The national failure across America there has alarming consequences for the future. It would have the chance to be, and you can still, New Orleans to a pattern of rapid and sustained opposition building, under the light of modern urban planning, social improvements and also provide for a future climate-related Widerholung a natural event. But the slow progress, mainly by the inhabitants themselves in the way, and the complete absence of a national leadership mean that the revival of New Orleans an improvised, uncoordinated, chaotic mess Gemurkse and remains, an independent American morass.
I can not understand how the politicians and the American public this shameful and socially dangerous situation can accept. There's something really rotten in the mentality and attitude of the Americans. How can his own people so in the lurch? Is America just a country of heartless egoists, where the fate of their fellow men is totally irrelevant, and they think only what goes Me? Are they so by the Bush-destructive system and the permanent hochgepuschten and exaggerated alarm about external threats so upset that they no longer clear, and human thinking?
A disgrace is that this company is obviously completely perverted and corrupt!
Here is a video about the situation two years after Katarina:
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