It grants is yes nothing else. After his job as a British minister premium surrendered, Blair sneezed his holidays on the Cote A'zur on the yacht a billionaire. On board is the wife Cherie and their two children, and U2 singer Bono.

Whether Toni Blair was jealous, we know not, but he had enough distraction in the form of Bikini supporting beauties, which lasziv rekelten on board.
The Blair and Bono are at the invitation of the billionaire Bernard Anault at its mega yacht Amadeus.

What? Bono is not one of those to us at the G8 summit in Rostock and then at the "Live Earth Save the Planet" concert talk to the conscience, because of the CO2 Climate Killer? And Blair is not a "left" of the Labor Party of the concerns of the workers and lower strata represent?
Now these two are on a mega yacht a billionaire in all imaginable luxury on the safe so much fuel consumed in a short trip to St. Tropez, as in unsereins whole life with the car pass. What a CO2 foot impression is this?
Well, as you can see it again, water preach and drink wine itself. We wish them a different way of life aufschwätzen and a bad conscience delude themselves and behave privately these guys are not "environmentally friendly." These models are all hypocrites.
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