Here is the continuation of my article 9 / 11 time - The attack date. The first plane came to Lower Manhattan to New York.
- 8:46-American Airlines Flight 11 crashes in 92nd Until the 98th WTC1 floor of the north tower. It is a Boing 767-223ER with 81 passengers, 9 flight attendants and two pilots on board. The machine was around 7:59 pm with delay of Logan Airport in East Boston started on the road to Los Angeles. Alleged perpetrators of the plane was headed Mohamed Atta.

- 8:46 - The Naude brothers are in town to film a documentary about the New York Fire Department to make this film a fire brigade use in the vicinity of the WTC. When they fly a plane drüber hear they directed the camera high and the impact of filming in the north tower. They are the only recordings exist from this the event. The images are then in the evening for the first time on CNN to see. President Bush has questions later on, because of what he has done this time, repeatedly told the story, he would have been the first impact watched live on TV before he entered the school in Florida had gone. But this is not technically possible, unless a live transmission has been specially designed for him by other cameras.
- 8:46 - The FAA makes a connection to the Secret Service to the White House on all events information. A few days later told Vice President Dick Cheney: "The Secret Service has an agreement with the FAA. They had a live circuit after the first impact into WTC ... "He ended his statement abruptly in mid-sentence.
- 8:46 - The Secret Service has secretly Stinger air defense missiles in their offices in WTC7 building stored, in the event of a visit by the President in New York to enable him against air attacks. The secret is making, but to this day nothing to with the existing missiles, the aircraft abzuschiessen abducted and the buildings in New York and also in Washington to protect them.
- 8:47 - Mike Pecoraro, a technician, the part of service personnel in the WTC complex, worked in the engine room on the second floor of the north tower when it was hit. He says "There were nothing but rubble. We are talking here of hydraulic presses to weigh 50 tons, easy go! "Then he runs into the underground garage and sees" There were no walls more, only debris on the floor and you could see nothing. "When he runs again in the second basement floor he sees a 300-pound heavy fire protection doors made of steel and concrete on the ground, and rausgerissen verrunzelt "as an aluminum foil." It said it looked like it was in 1993 when a bomb started in the basement and he said it would be another bomb attack happens. When he was on the ground floor lobby went up, he saw massive damage "The whole lobby was black with soot, elevator doors were no longer there. The marble cladding on the walls was gone. 20 times 10 feet wide marble slabs simply gone. Shards of glass were everywhere, the revolving doors were all destroyed, and glass panes away. "
- 8:48-CNN is the first television station in the world of its program interrupts and begins on the attack with live images to report.
- 8:48 - The mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani is now on the first turn informed while he was having breakfast in the Peninsula Hotel on the 55th Street sits. Only when the second plane at 9:03 unceremoniously he leaves the hotel and runs south to his $ 13 million command center expensive in the 23rd WTC7 floor of the extra cases of disasters has been set up.
- 8:48 - The New York City Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is responsible for all disasters, including terrorist attacks. Their offices are located in the 23rd WTC7 floor of the building. It is a great day in OEM, because the staff is used to come and spread for the planned major exercise TRIPOD, a terror exercise together with the FEMA for the next day planned. The building fluctuates as the north tower is taken. First, the OEM believes boss John Odermatt a surface-to-air missile has hit the north tower until he informed a plane would reingeflogen. To 9:30, the OEM and the whole WTC7 building cleared, allegedly because another plane to New York is on its way.
- 8:48-US Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta currently holds a breakfast meeting with his counterparts from Belgium, to discuss the airline to speak in the presence of FAA head Jane Garvey. His assistant interrupts the meeting and reports on the impact of the WTC. While Garvey immediately leave the meeting, the meeting will Mineta. Mineta Only when the impact of the second aircraft witnessed live on TV, he breaks the meeting. The White House is calling on him and demanded he be immediately from the leadership over there, that he was in the underground bunker of the WH and moves around 9:20 pm arrives.
- 8:49 - The Canadian Air Force Major General Rick Findley is responsible for NORAD Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado control center. His phone rings and he is called on the images of CNN on the television to look at.
- 8:50 - The CIA Director George Tenet just eats breakfast with his mentor, former Senator David Boren (D), and says to him: "I am concerned about a possible attack by the al-Qaeda network of Osama Bin Laden. "He is a CIA Bodyguard interrupted him a mobile phone in the hand pushes. Tenet is on the attack against the WTC. Boren says later: "I was concerned that the messenger of the term, attack 'used." Tenet is the phone back and then Boren says: "Do you think this is the handwriting of Bin Laden anywhere on it." He was very quiet, Boren said. He said he would be in 15 minutes in the CIA headquarters and was what people in the Crisis Center at colony.
- 8:50-New York and Boston air traffic control come to the conclusion, Flight 11 has hit the WTC buildings. This message goes through the entire air traffic control network in the United States like a wildfire. They informed NORAD that Flight 11 hit the north tower.
- 8:50 - Last contact with the 77th flight Six minutes later the pilot reacts rather than instruction.
- 8:50-Flight 175 makes a 180 degree turn and fly to New York.
- 8:50 - The company Flight Explorer in Fairfax Virginia begins immediately, the radar data from the FAA to use the position of the planes hijacked in real time to show. This company sells a software with the man over the Internet exactly the position of a plane and the route which it is flown live view. Although at that time 4,000 machines in the air, Flight Explorer without problems, the flight path of the four hijacked machines identified. This is very surprising, because the authorities say later, they had no aircraft on the radar can find, because the transponder was turned off. The company immediately created graphics and animated videos, which can then by all major television channels and via the Internet during the reporting appears to be.
- 8:52-Two fighter jets F-15s highlight of the Otis Air National Guard Air Force Base. That was six minutes after they were ordered to hunt Flight 11 (which was already reingestürzt), 26 minutes after the radar surveillance aircraft was clear in 1911 was abducted and 39 minutes after the radar controller recent contact with flight 11.

- 8:53-Major Don Arias, in charge of public relations at NORAD, calling his brother, who in the 84th Floor of the South Tower works. He tells him, a second plane is hijacked and on the way to New York. His brother calls suggest to all colleagues to leave the building and rescue them because of it.
- 8:55 - The motorcade of the President comes in the Booker Elementary School. Captain Deborah Loewer, head of the "Situation Room" of the White House, learns from the first impact, is running for president and informed him about it.
- 8:56-Flight 77 disappears from radar screens and is no longer visible.
- 8:57 - The aviation fuel which by flying into buildings invaded in 1911, is at this point almost completely burned.
- 8:59 - The chief of the Port Authority Police in WTC calls for the evacuation of the towers. He says: "As soon as we can, I want to evacuate the building, building 1 and Building 2, until we herausfinde what the cause is." Thirty seconds later, he repeated his command, but this time all the buildings in the WTC complex to be evacuated.
- 8:59 - During and before the whole catastrophe, a very large flow of credit transactions on computer systems in the WTC. The study of 32 hard disks found in the rubble of the WTC was to show that unusual large sums of money through the computers were hunted, even when the disaster took place. Experts reported later: "There is the suspicion that some people had prior knowledge about the approximate time of Flugzeugeinschläge so it sums of more than $ 100 million to transfer out. They believed the recording of transactions would not be understandable after the major computer would be destroyed. "
- 9:00-a loudspeaker announcement in the South Tower announced, the building is safe and the people could return to their offices back. This announcement is repeated until shortly before the second impact, and is the reason for hundreds of unnecessary deaths. A survivor remembers that security officials had also said: "Our building is secured. You can return to your floor. If you except breath since taking a break in the cafeteria. "
- 9:00 - The head of the Department for anti-terrorism, Richard Clark, is three street from the White House, when he was the voice on the crisis gets. He runs to his car and says: "Enables the CSG on secure video. I am in less than 5 minutes there. "The CSG is the Counter Terrorism Security Group, composed of the heads of various security departments.
- 9:00-In Washington, the Riz Carlton Hotel Investors Conference of the Carlyl Group. The guest of honor is Shafig Bin Laden, the brother of Osama Bin Laden.
- 9:00 - The Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak premium weilt currently in London and will be interviewed live by the BBC, as the program with the message from New York is interrupted. While the whole world is completely on the head gestossen the TV pictures look, Barak pulls a prepared speech. He commented for 30 minutes to transfer with the words, how dangerous the Islamic countries and the terrorists. He pointed to the so-called "rogue states", which would be all the enemies of Israel. With this speech prepared Barak made the impression that he knew before the attacks would be exactly at this time.
- 9:00 - The Headmaster of Sarasota Elementary School, Gwen Tose-Rigell is in a room set up to work with President Bush to speak. She recalled: "He said a scheduled plane has just hit the World Trade Center, and we will, however, continue to make, we go now to the reading hour as planned." One of the reporters present later reported: "He could have easily the Emma E. Booker Elementary School immediately have to leave, the Air Force One to go and be away from his Sarasota, without delay. "
- 9:01-Flight 175 is a ungekennzeichneter point on the radar screens of Flugüberwacher the FAA New York Center on Long Iceland. A controller is on with shock and called: "No, it will not land. He goes out! "Another colleague screams," Oh my God! He flies in the direction of the city ... Oh my God! He manages to Manhattan! "The controller speculate what the target might be, one said it could be the Statue of Liberty. Another, Jim Bohleber, looking at his radar screen and the loud calls Sink speed of the machine every 12 seconds, whenever the screen is auffrischt. "There are 6,000 feet per minute ... Now there are eight ... Now 10 ... "
Continued ...
In the next part of "9 / 11 time - The second impact" I will list everything from the second impact happened.
Again, we see there was prior knowledge of the event and it wanted even people from benefiting financially. The technician Pecoraro, the statement by Rodriguez confirmed that it is great damage in the basement there. How could a private company that hijacked airplanes to locate and track better than the military? Who has the two interceptor out of the sea into a queue ordered them directly to New York? Thus, they could not protect the city and came much too late. Was that the intention?
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