суббота, 27 октября 2007 г.

Brian DePalmas new film about Iraq

DePlama shocked Venice with pictures which the media is not showing

The critics of the war in Iraq have long condemned the media because the death and the violence in this conflict weisswaschen in which they refuse the heinous pictures of the reality there is taking place to publish. Now, a famous filmmaker images which show the media not want taken to proceed with an anti-war film to do something about it.

The latest work by Brian DePalma, as a director of well-known films like "Scarface," "The Untouchables" and "Carrie" fame, called "Redacted" or German "Retuschiert" and was even for the first time at the Venice Film Festival in . DePalma spoke to reporters and said "this war images will be discontinued."

The film, for example, shows abhorrent Greultaten the U.S. troops, as the Massenschändung and killing a 14-year-old girl and four members of her family in March 2006. De Palma had already been times in 1989, a film about the rape of a Vietnamese girl by U.S. soldiers, "Casualties of War" in which Sean Penn and the young Michael J. Fox, the lead actor.

"All the pictures we in the media about the war are seen, or cleaned and retouched" said DePlama in Venice. "We can only hope that these pictures that I show the public aufrüttelt enough so that the Congress MPs vote against the war. "

DePalma uses images that he fetched from the Internet, including home videos of the soldiers, who were never seen before. There is also footage from reports and the use of fictitious scenes to some legal problems to circumvent what all unusual for a "docu-drama".

"The film is an attempt to the reality happening in Iraq closer to the Americans," he said after the presentation in Venice.

"At the time of the Vietnam War, we have pictures of the suffering of the people speaking, we traumatized by our actions and have killed, the soldiers have seen the wounded or dead back sacks. None of these we see today. "

It's all available on the Internet, you can find it when it is searching, but the mass media does not show it. The media are in fact a part of the political and economic establishment. "

"When I was looking for the pictures, I asked the media to give me the pictures it published not allowed."

"Everything you see in the film is based on an event that really happened. But when I was there in the script with purely took, I got a note from the prosecutor with the words, you can not use because it is authentic and we therefore may be sued. "

New: De Palma won the prize for best director for his film "Redacted" in Venice!

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